The TAND Mini-Symposium 2022
Aim 3 of the TANDem project is to provide networking opportunities around TAND research and to inspire the next generation of TAND researchers through research capacity-building activities. The TAND consortium therefore decided to host an online ‘mini-symposium’ in April 2022. Emerging and established TAND researchers across the globe were invited to submit abstracts for short ‘rapid fire’ presentations on their research.
After a brief welcome, setting the scene and summary of the story of TAND and TANDem by Petrus de Vries, Anna Jansen, Eva Schoeters, Stephanie Vanclooster and Stacey Bissell, ten researchers from 6 countries (UK, USA, South Africa, Brazil, India, The Netherlands) presented research on a wide range of topics ranging from preclinical to clinical and intervention/qualitative research. The highly interdisciplinary and international group of ~60 attendees participated in a stimulating set of discussions. Feedback from participants was very positive and they strongly encouraged the TAND consortium to arrange similar mini-symposia in future.