Annual report 2022 released
Welcome to the report on year 3 of the TANDem project, generously supported by the King Baudouin Foundation in Belgium. In this report we will present key milestones over the last year and highlight some important and exciting activities and achievements by the TANDem team during this period. First a note on the cover of this year’s annual report. It was exactly 10 years ago, in 2012, that the term ‘TAND’ (TSC-Associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders) was coined at an international consensus conference in the USA. Various clinical researchers represented today in the TAND consortium were part of that milestone in the history of TSC research. We have been delighted by the way in which the TSC community (and particularly families) have embraced the umbrella term coined by us. It therefore felt appropriate to have a big celebratory TAND cake on the front cover of this issue!